Sunday, August 11, 2024


This is a private letter that Ruby wrote to his brother Earl. It was shortly before his death; so, three years had passed. Look at what he said:

First, he said that he never knew Oswald, and that he wasn't involved in any conspiracy. So, he never met Oswald, and he didn't conspire with the Mafia or anyone else to kill him. Would he lie to his brother? What for? If he didn't want to tell him the truth, he didn't have to write him at all. Or, he could have written about other things.
Then, he he said that after it happened, he didn't know what he had done. And notice that he didn't say, "After I did it, I didn't know what I had done." No, he said after it happened, which makes it 3rd person. Psychologically, it was something that happened apart from himself. And I acknowledge that he accepted that he did it, but based only on the Dallas Police telling him so. All he knew from his own memory was that he went down to the basement where police jumped him, and at the time, he didn't know why.
And realize that Ruby told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the money wire at 10:17. Right away, he was corrected by a SS agent, but that's what Ruby said, and he certainly wasn't lying.
So, if he did send the money wire at 10:17, as I believe, then he got to the basement at 10:21, or so. And there was no shot at that time. Police had cleared the basement. Dr. Fred Bieberdorf said that they ordered him out at 9:45. So, if they had cops there in the basement at 10:20 to grab Ruby, as I believe they did, then there definitely was no shot, because: if there was a shot, Bieberdorf and others would have heard it.
So, it's just as I've been saying: Ruby got there early; about an hour early. He went down there, and he was pounced upon, but there was no shot.
So, after it happened, Ruby didn't know what he had done. He had no memory whatsoever of shooting Oswald. THAT'S BECAUSE HE DIDN'T SHOOT HIM.
Ruby was innocent. Framed and innocent. Framed, manipulated, and innocent. The Dallas Police killed Oswald, and they did it, not during the Spectacle, but after it. The Garage Spectacle was all theater. At the time, Ruby was being held up on the 5th floor, in his underwear, and being minded by SS Agent Forest Sorrels. So, the killing of Oswald was a joint DPD, FBI, SS operation. And the SS did their job the night before, wresting Marina Oswald away from Ruth Paine, with the help of LIFE magazine reporters Allen Grant and Tommy Thompson.

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