Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Edward Edwards was NOT the one who masqueraded as Jack Ruby at the Garage Spectacle. That man was FBI Agent James W. Bookhout, and I shall lay out the evidence for it.

It starts by realizing that Oswald knew the Shooter. He exchanged glances with him prior to the shooting. Oswald did not look his way when the Shooter came in. Oswald kept his eyes steeled straight ahead, and that's abnormal because we naturally tend to look at moving objects that are approaching us. It's a survival instinct.
So, I knew that Oswald knew the Shooter. But, who could he have known in that situation? It could only be someone from law enforcement. After ruling out all Fritz' men, I turned to the FBI agents, James Hosty and James Bookhout. Hosty was too tall. Then, when I nonchalantly tried to find an image of James Bookhout from the assassination, I realized there weren't any. What the mother folk? HOW COULD THERE BE NO IMAGES OF JAMES BOOKHOUT WHEN HE FOLLOWED OSWALD AROUND LIKE HIS SHADOW THE WHOLE WEEKEND?
Years later, Bart Kamp tried to proffer an image of Bookhout in Fritz' office which he said was confirmed by the National Archives, but the Chief Archivist of the United States denied it in an email to me. And it was a goofy, ridiculous, fraudulent image anyway.
We know that on Monday, November 18, which was the Monday before the assassination, there was an inter-office telegram exchange between J Edgar Hoover and James Bookhout. We don't know the content of the telegrams, but there is a record of them.
Now, why would the Director of the FBI be exchanging telegrams with a lowly special agent in Dallas? Notwithstanding the word "special," Special Agent is not a high rank within the FBI, and it is a quasi-military organization.
Then consider Boohout's story on the day of the assassination. He said that he had just begun a "leave of absence." He said nothing about what he was taking the leave of absence for. Was it to study? Was it to travel? Was it to take care of a sick relative? We don't know because he didn't say, and the WC didn't ask. But, it is part of the record that Bookhout was granted a one year leave of absence after the assassination- and that's with pay. What did he need a leave of absence for? And if he deserved one, what about all the other agents? Didn't they also deserve one?
It was really about disappearing Bookhout so that no one would get a look at him and realize he was the Garage Shooter.
And do you know how long the dearth of images of James Bookhout continued? FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. Not even in his obituary was there an image of him.
I have communicated, multiple times, with Constable Jim Bookhout, the son of James Bookhout. He is fully aware of what I have been saying. Consider how easy it would be for him to shut me up for good. All he has to do is provide an image of his father, a verifiable image, such as an image that includes his father and himself. Some have tried to claim that Bookhout was over 6 feet tall. Well, the Garage Shooter was short. He was the shortest man in the garage. So, if it were true that Bookhout was tall, then a single family photo would prove it. Right? So, why hasn't Jim Bookhout provided one? It's because he knows very well his father wasn't tall.
The ONLY images that we have of James Bookhout are his yearbook photos from Woodrow Wilson High in Dallas and SMU. And when you compare those images to the Shooter, you realize that Bookhout was the Shooter.
Again, I don't say that he actually shot and killed Oswald. What we saw in the Garage was all theater. It was acting. Oswald was shot for real afterwards in the Jail Office.
Here is the bio of Edward Wayne Edwards from Wikipedia.
Edward Wayne Edwards (June 14, 1933 – April 7, 2011)[2] was an American serial killer and former fugitive. Edwards escaped from jail in Akron, Ohio, in 1955 and fled across the country, holding up gas stations. By 1961, he was on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list.
Edwards was captured and arrested in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 20, 1962. After his release from prison on parole in 1967, Edwards murdered at least five people between 1977 and 1996. He is suspected of several additional killings.
So, Edwards was in prison in 1963 and wasn't released until 1967. So, how could he have been the Garage Shooter?
And the very idea that J Edgar Hoover would use Edwards is preposterous. If he did, he would have had to kill him. No way could Hoover trust Edwards. But, Hoover could definitely trust Bookhout.
The killing of Oswald was baked in the cake from the start. They knew they had to kill him because they, the FBI, had conjured up phony evidence against him, such as the rifle and the Backyard photos, which would NEVER hold up in court. They had to get Oswald dead before he even talked to a lawyer. I believe they hoped he would die in the theater. Then, I think they arranged the Midnight Press Conference hoping to shoot him then, but that didn't work out either. Then, they got it done on Sunday morning.
The Dallas Police didn't conceive of this. I believe that LBJ put them up to it. They were all military veterans, and this was the Commander in Chief giving them an order.
But, the idea that a serial killer would be trusted and empowered to do it is ridiculous and absurd.
I don't know if the guy who is claiming that the Garage Shooter was Edwards is just stupid, or if he's doing it as a distraction to muddy the water. But, I assure you it was James W. Bookhout, and I would stake my life on it. And, in a way, I have.

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