Friday, March 6, 2015

This baby is not being held up by anything or anyone. You understand? The mother's left arm is overhead, waving at the President. We see it as a constant, repetitive, mechanical motion throughout the time she is visible in the Towner film. So, she is definitely NOT using her left arm to support the baby, even though it looks like she is in the close-up. And her right arm can't be seen going around the baby either.

Now, get something into your pin-heads, my hapless enemies: Even if you are going to argue, out of sheer arbitrariness, capriciousness, and desperation, that her right arm is UNDERNEATH the baby, such that we can't see it- an assumption which you have no right to make- it still wouldn't be enough. That's because it's not just a matter of supporting the baby but also securing the baby, that is, keeping the baby from toppling. It wouldn't matter if she had the strength of Superwoman. It isn't just about strength. It's about preventing the pivoting action that would cause the baby to pivot away from her. She absolutely must have her arm going around the upper part of the baby in order to prevent that from happening. 

So, on the basis of what we're seeing- which is the only evidence we have- there is no way that baby can be secure. To secure that baby, she would have to have her arm going around that white coat where we could see it- but we don't. 

Theoretically, if she was leaning WAY back, to where gravity was causing the baby to fall into her, it would still be very perilous, but she might be able to get by at least for a moment. But, she is not leaning way back. She is standing upright, and so too is the baby upright. 

This is a bogus image. Nobody could do this, and nobody would even try to do it, and least of all a mother. It's like a cartoon they added to the film. These two were not THERE. They did not exist. And that is true whether you like it or not. 

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