Gaynor Kaiser 6 hours ago
Good work, Gary and Ralph. It astounds me that anyone would believe the "backyard photos" of Oswald are real. If ever there was a more obvious example of "setting up a patsy," I don't know of it: holding the communist magazine takes the cake. Sure, I can buy anyone who likes guns having a picture taken of themselves holding their gun... but no one holds up both the magazine and the gun... it's a ham-fisted framing but, to my dismay, a lot of folks buy into it.
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Thank you, Gaynor, and think about this: Anyone who maintains that Oswald was innocent HAS to admit that the Backyard photos were fake because: OSWALD IS HOLDING THE MURDER WEAPON, one that he denied ordering, denied owning, and denied ever seeing. So, if the photos are real, then he was lying about all that. But, why would he lie if he was innocent? Therefore, you cannot believe in Oswald innocence without also believing in photographic alteration in the JFK assassination.