Thursday, October 29, 2015

I have mentioned before what a tremendous fountain of knowledge of real American history OIC member Stephen Requa is. 

For a long time, Steve has been saying that besides American elites financing the Nazis, which they undoubtedly did, they also gave them the whole idea for Nazi Eugenics. 

Eugenics- the idea to use state force and money to limit human reproduction among races considered inferior, that is, non-white- was born in the US, not Germany. The Nazis got the idea from us. And it included: forced sterilization.

Now, Steve has produced a signed letter by Theodore Roosevelt advancing Eugenics. Perhaps the FBI would like to get its fingerprint experts to see if it's genuine.

I realize that's hard to read without a magnifying glass, but you can read the signature at the bottom: Theodore Roosevelt.  I'll give you the highlights:

First, the date was January 3, 1915. So, that's well before Hitler's rise and the rise of Nazism in Germany. For goodness sake, World War 1 hadn't even startet yet, never mind World War 2.

In the letter, Roosevelt says that society has "no business permitting degenerates to reproduce their kind." He says it is "really extraordinary that our people fail to apply the same elementary principles of stock breeding that every successful farmer uses." He says that we, as a nation, have "no business perpetuating citizens of the wrong type," that controlling and limiting reproduction among the inferior races "is rational compared to the nation that allows unlimited breeding from the worst stocks." He says that the "prime duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his blood behind" and that "we have no business to perpetuate citizens of the wrong type."

The letter was written to Charles Davenport, the founder and director of the Eugenics Record Office which then became the Department of Genetics of the Carnegie Institute. It's main focus was on pushing state legislatures to pass forced sterilization laws. 


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