Tuesday, October 20, 2015

JFK: Mathematical proof that the Oswald backyard photos were faked

by Richard Charnin
Click Reclaiming Science:The JFK Conspiracy to look inside the book.

The famous photo of Oswald holding a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and a copy of the Daily Worker which appeared on the cover of LIFE magazine convinced millions he was the Lone Assassin. But there were four photos which upon close inspection and a mathematical analysis prove that they were faked.

Using differential equation fractal analysis, Stahl shows that the V-shaped shadow under Oswald’s nose is essentially identical in all four photos. Stahl debunks the pixel analysis of software scientist Hany Farid who claimed that the photos were genuine. Farid’s lab was partially funded by the FBI. Very strange.

There is absolutely no change in Oswald’s facial position or expression in the four backyard photos – a physical impossibility. 

In 1977, Canadian Defense Dept. photographic specialist Major General John Pickard determined that there was a 99% probability the LIFE Magazine cover photo was a fake and noted that each photo was taken from a slightly different angle. When one photo was laid atop another in succession, it is found that nothing matches exactly. Pickard observed: “Yet, impossibly, while one body is bigger – the heads match perfectly.” Very strange.
Judyth Vary Baker wrote this comprehensive essay on Farid’s flawed analysis of the backyard photos. http://www.scribd.com/doc/38733842/Farid-s-Folly-and-the-Lee-Harvey-Oswald-Backyard-Photo-Fiasco
Oswald had worked in a photo lab (Jagger-Chiles-Stovall). He told DPD Captain Will Fritz that his face was superimposed on another body – and that he would prove it. He never had the chance.
David von Pein, a Warren Commission apologist, claims that Oswald owned the Mannlicher Carcano: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/mannlicher-carcano.html
Michael T. Griffith, a well-known JFK researcher, provides substantial evidence that Oswald did not own the rifle: http://michaelgriffith1.tripod.com/faulty.htm
Oswald could have purchased a rifle anonymously at any gun shop in Texas, so why would he buy a Carcano using a traceable mail order as “Alex Hidell” from Klein’s Sporting Goods in Chicago? http://jfklancer.com/pdf/moyer.pdf

Hidell was apparently a cover name for agents. It was also the ID found on Richard Case Nagell, a CIA agent. Nagell became aware of a plan to assassinate JFK and was afraid of being the patsy. So he got himself arrested to give him an alibi by shooting the ceiling of a bank. Dick Russell wrote it in “The Man Who Knew Too Much”. This article attempts to unmask the real “Alek Hidell”. http://theamericanchronicle.blogspot.com/2013/09/unmasking-alek-hidell.html

When will the corporate media ever report the above facts and analysis? Probably never. Note Rachel Maddow’s pathetic discussion of Oswald and the Mannlicher Carcano. Very strange. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prtUkzyO0I0

Rachel never mentioned the testimony of award-winning Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig. Four Dallas police officers (Boone, Craig, Weitzman, Fritz) initially located a 7.65 Mauser on the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository. It was reported all over the media. There was no question about it being a Mauser: “7.65 Mauser” was stamped on the weapon. The CIA reported that it was a Mauser. But a few hours later, it morphed into a Mannlicher Carcano. The rest is history. Very strange, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFEx8hjD8kE

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