Sunday, March 24, 2019

You've seen this image of the fat-faced, younger Osama bin laden featured in the video that was supposedly found in a house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, and I have no trouble believing that it was indeed found in la-la land, where all such films are found. 

But now, I want you to think about something. The film is fake. You know that. But, why would they fake evidence? There can only be one reason: because they didn't have any real evidence. 

So, the very existence of this ridiculous video tells you that the Bush administration had nothing on Osama bin laden in connection with 9/11.  And therefore, the entire basis and justification for the invasion and decimation of Afghanistan was a lie. 

And, I hope you realize that even if it were true that Osama bin laden had planned the 9/11 attacks, and even if the Bush administration had real evidence for it, it did not give the United States the right to start a war. We have got to get the idea out of our heads that anybody has the right to start a war. Wars kill people, and they kill a hell of a lot of innocent people. And nobody has the right to decide that it's "worth it" to kill innocent people to avenge a crime. Nobody has the right to kill innocent people, period. 9/11 was a crime, but the attack on Afghanistan was a much bigger crime- if you measure it by the number of victims. The United States' response to the 9/11 attacks has been to kill well over a million people. 

But now, I hope you realize that the Bush administration could not have really believed that OBL did 9/11 if they conjured up a phony video of him. It means that they just wanted a war with Afghanistan. It means they just wanted Afghanistan. It means that they were just using OBL as an excuse, as a pretext for the war. And that makes what they did even more monstrous.  

We can't let this one slide. George W. Bush needs to go to prison. I think there may be a basis to send others to prison as well, but he definitely needs to go. You can't kill a million people and get away with it, not if there is any justice in the world. 

For whom does the bell toll? It tolls for thee, Mr. Bush. The prison bell. 

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