Sunday, April 9, 2023

 Dennis Cimino, who has been handling firearms since he was a young boy and throughout his life in the Military and beyond, observes that in the Beers photo, "Ruby" (actually James Boohout, and Dennis agrees with that) is about to fire. We're told that this was .3 sec before the shot, while the Jackson photo that followed was .3 sec after the shot. Dennis said that had Bookhout really fired then, that the bullet would have gone through Oswald's arm.

The Beers photo, like the Jackson photo, was a staged photo. It was taken beforehand at a photo-shoot that they held in the basement. Dr. Bieberdorf said in his testimony that at 9:45, Dallas Police ordered everyone out of the basement, and they closed it off, tight as a drum. And they did not allow it to refill until 10 minutes before the Spectacle. Since the Spectacle was at 11:20, it means that from 9:45 to 11:10, the cops had that space to themselves. And what they did during that time, was first of all, capture Jack Ruby. It was during that time that he arrived. So, they had something going there, and maybe it included the real Oswald. But, after they had Ruby socked away on the 5th floor, they did their photo-shoot. As you look at Bookhout in the picture above, I want you to notice that he doesn't look at all like he's moving. In the films, the Shooter rushes in, and he never stops moving. He shoots at Oswald from side, and then he jumps in front of him, and then he dives into the arms of the police. But, you can tell from looking at this picture that the Shooter is stationary. He is planted there, posing for a picture. And notice the light socks which led them to claim that they changed Jack Ruby's underwear. 

Now, I have a question for Dennis: Is it possible that they did this because they wanted clear pictures of Oswald being shot because they knew they weren't going to use him during the filming?  The films are all very blurry compared to this. Take a look at the films. Is it possible that the guy in the films isn't Oswald? 

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