Sunday, April 30, 2023

 Here are two images of Jack Ruby that a day apart. The one on the left was 11/24/63, and the one on the right was 11/25/63 as they were moving him to the County Jail. Ruby didn't get the Pomp and Circumstance that Oswald did, but his was going to be just a straight transfer without the shooting.

But, why does his hair look so different? I know why. It's because every single picture of Ruby included doctoring of his hair. But, it was something that was done by individuals according to their own judgment. So, on the left, the guy took the Sharpie and really gave it a thick coat, while on the right, a different guy did more intermitent streaking.

And it was done because Ruby was practically bald on top and the Garage Shooter, James Bookhout, wore a thick wig. And so, they were stuck with having to enhance Ruby's hair for the rest of his life.
Imagine if I made a catalog of all the different renderings of Ruby's hair. Let me tell you: that would be funny.

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