Friday, September 11, 2015

This is a great video, and I am glad to see that it has over 400,000 views.

The above frame came a little after the Moorman photo, but it's darn close. Look how well the arrangement of the Kennedys matches the Moorman photo. And that's how BJ Martin really got captured in the Moorman photo. They did a massive revision and relocation of him with that phony arm and clam-hand. 

"This is not to be shown publicly, but that guy slowed down. He slowed down almost to a stop."

"I think if he hadn't slowed down, Oswald would not have had another shot." 

Of course, Oswald didn't have any shots; he was in the doorway at the time. But still, the point is made. The driver slowed the limo down to a stop or a near-stop during the shooting. 

Does one really need Secret Service training to know that when gunfire is raining down on the limo that you step on the gas?  

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