Thursday, December 26, 2013

There is a comedy going on here because Backes and bpete are on opposite sides of this whole debate. They could not possibly be more divided. 

bpete says that the guilty Oswald locked and loaded from the 6th floor, while Backes says that the innocent Oswald was somewhere downstairs not harming a fly. How can you possibly be more diametrically opposite than that?  

My differences with Backes are NOTHING in comparison. What? We both say Oswald was harmlessly downstairs. I say Oswald, very briefly and very barely, stepped outside while Backes says he didn't. But that is nothing compared to saying that he was up on the 6th floor pumping bullets into Kennedy and blowing his brains out.

So, how sick and twisted is it that the two of them should be putting their differences aside in order to join forces against me? If anything, Backes and I should be putting our differences aside to join forces against bpete since we both advocate Oswald innocence.

Is there any way to explain this? Is there any way to rationalize it? Does the issue of Oswald in the doorway supersede the very question of who killed Kennedy? Of how he died? Of where the bullets came from? 

Before I became a JFK buff, I was a Civil War buff. And I don't remember any time in which Billy Yank and Johnny Reb fought side by side. So, why is it happening in the JFK assassination? 


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