Thursday, February 26, 2015

Backes, I never at any time said that her thumb was on the other side. And if you thought that was what I was saying or implying with that graphic, it's because you're an idiot. 

It's true that I did say for a while that it was her right hand, but I never thought she was actually doing that with her right hand. How could she? For her to reach that window with her right hand would have turned her whole body around, and we'd be looking at the back of her head instead of her face in profile.

This process is a somewhat like a rat in a maze. A rat may go down a blind alley or two, but if he's smart, he figures out quickly that he made a mistake, backtracks, and gets back on track. And there's nothing wrong with that. So, I have no apologies to make.

But regarding that hand, YOU were mistaken, and you are still mistaken.

This is so bad, I have to put something on it to make sure people know it's not my work.

Jesus Christ, are you stupid. The only thing you got right is that it is her left hand. But, she'd be a freak if she were built like that. And no, that is not her thumb, unless she got stuck with a nub for one. And don't forget that previously, you circled the shadow and declared that to be her thumb. And no, that is not her index finger, and how could it take that path? You've got two joints in your index finger, but all they do is flex like hinges. So, how could it take that path? And how can the fingertip be so sharp and narrow? And no, #2 is not her middle finger. On men, the middle finger is the longest finger, longer than the index finger. On women, it's usually a little shorter, but not much. So, how come it's so short there? Remember, the fingers only flex, they don't extend beyond neutral length. You can flex them, but you can't extend them. Doesn't that finger have to be curled , meaning folded towards her palm, in order to be so short? And the same is true of the other fingers. My interpretation is correct.

There is no doubt about this, and I have had other opponents who were smart enough to say, "So, that's what her hand is doing. Big deal. So what. It wasn't a crime." But not you guys, no. You're going to keep chasing windmills til the end. You don't learn from anyone's mistakes, not mine, and certainly not your own either. 

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