Wednesday, June 26, 2019

So, why did I write the movie? It's because I found myself living in a country that had killed at least a million and a half people since 9/11, and most Americans were walking around as if nothing had happened, as if it was still the same place, as if nothing had changed. Most Americans have never stopped and looked at what our government did  And remember: it was done in our name and with our money. And today, there are plenty of leaders, including  Trump, who say that the Iraq War was a "mistake," but that isn't the right word. It was a crime. And those that say it frame it in terms of the American lives lost, but never mentioning  the much greater number of Iraqis killed.  

It's less often that we hear a politician admit that the Afghanistan War was also a "mistake" but how could it not be when it is still raging after 18 years, and the U.S. is trying to find a way to put the Taliban back in power in a face-saving way so that we can get  the hell out of there. 

We are asking the Taliban to give us assurances that they won't give safe haven to terrorists who might attack the U.S. or its allies, but let's be perfectly clear: the Taliban has NEVER admitted doing that. They have always denied doing it. 

Trump says he wants to make America great again. I want to make America conscious again, and I mean conscious of itself and what it's done. And remember: living in oblivion is one way to avoid pain and discomfort, but evading reality has never established a safe haven for anybody. 

There needs to be a reckoning in this country, and  may we have it before we launch the next unnecessary war. Another war is the very worst thing that could happen right now.    

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