Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Here's a good one from the Idiot Backes:

Joseph Backes: "And there's more, "The Creation of Doorman,"  and one of my favorites, "Fedora Hat Man and the Woman and Boy,"

"in which Cinque actually writes, "We are very uneasy about the appearance of the woman and the boy.  The boy is visibly taller than she is...," I'll spare you the rest of that BS. The woman is simply holding her small son up in her arms. The kid looks like he's about 4 years old. To Cinque this is all very sinister."

4 years old? Did you say 4 years old, Backes? Wow! You are making that kid older than what I've been saying, which is 3.

So, you think that little woman is holding a 4 year old boy in one arm and  holding him straight up without herself leaning in any direction to make it easier, and watching a motorcade?

And, if you think he's 4, then you must also think that this baby is 4 because you think they are the same person, right?

Here they are side by side.

That came unprovoked, Backes. That came out of your head. 4 years old.

How the hell could that little woman be holding a 4 year old boy straight up with one arm?

4 years old, Backes. You can't take it back either. 4 years old.  4 years old   4 years old.

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