Sunday, September 27, 2015

The thing about Clint Hill is that not only is he not looking at JFK, and not only is he looking at Emory talking on the phone, but he is nowhere near ready to bolt off that car to help the Kennedys. He isn't close.

In other words, he's not like a runner at the starting line:

Hill looks completely relaxed, like he's aware of nothing wrong, like he's on the verge of going nowhere. 

Physically and mentally, he is nowhere near the point of commencing a heroic act. And it sets the mind to wondering: Was he waiting for a signal from Roberts? Roberts admitted restraining Ready from doing what Hill did. Why is Clint Hill looking at Roberts rather than at the Kennedys? 

By that point in time, Kennedy had been shot twice, and Connally once, plus there was a missed shot. So, that's 4 shots, at least. They made noise. Hill heard them. He wasn't deaf. And he's not reacting? Why isn't he looking at the Kennedys to see if they're OK? Instead, he's looking at Roberts talking on the phone. Why? 

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