Saturday, April 25, 2015


Apr 24 (23 hours ago)

 On 3/10/2015 10:29 AM, Mike wrote:
> Ike Altgens was interviewed by David Lifton when he(Lifton) was writing
> his book.
> In that interview Ike Altgens says that he remembers that there was a
> policeman on the knoll at the time of the assassination...
> Here is a link to that interview.
> And here is a scan of the knoll portion of the Betzner photo showing a
> figure that looks like a policeman on the knoll...
> And a little more context...
> We also have the testimony of Emmett Hudson. In that testimony Emmett
> says that the only person he saw with a gun up there( referring to the
> top of the knoll) was the patrols.
> We also have the testimony of the Lee Bowers.

Ike Altgens saw a man dressed like a policeman on the knoll at the time
of the assassination.

That was from McAdams' JFK forum, a guy named Mike. So, Ike Altgens claimed to see a policeman on the knoll at the time of the shooting? But, that is not part of the official story. That contradicts the official story. And Ike was a very prominent and highly respected person in the JFK community. So, was that reason enough to send Ike on to Paradise a little earlier than he would otherwise have made the trip? 

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