Friday, January 31, 2014

There have been some naysayers on McAdams' forum about our debunking of the "Thorburn position" bull shit.  

First, John Fiorentino:

"Cinque, along with his Oswald in the doorway fantasy, doesn't have any medical knowledge either. 

How *odd* for someone who was licensed as a Chiropractor..........right 

The Thorburn position is well known in medicine. 

Thorburn position: A reflex position assumed by the elbows immediately after injury to the spinal cord in the lower cervical region." 

John F. 

My response: 

Hey, John: Here's what I found for definitions of "Thorburn position":

Thorburn position A reflex position assumed by the elbows immediately after injury to the spinal cord in the lower cervical region.
The Thorburn position is of broad popular interest as it was assumed by John F Kennedy at the time of his assassination in Dallas in 1963, and is regarded as evidence against the popular “JFK assassination conspiracy” theory.

Notice that the first sentence is identical to the definition you found, but the second sentence linked it to JFK. That was my point, but you left out the second sentence. Here's the other definition:

Thorburn position
Forensic pathology A reflex position assumed by the elbows immediately after injury to the spinal cord in the lower cervical region. See 'Magic bullet' theory.

So, both reference the JFK assassination, which, again, is my point. You, apparently, found the first one but only included the first sentence and left out the second.  

Here's the link if anyone wants to see it:

On Wikipedia, there is a bio of Dr. William Thorburn which doesn't even mention the "Thorburn position":

And most important, on PubMed, the largest medical database in the world, there are no references to "Thorburn position":

And John: you're the one who is living in fantasy when you deny that it was Oswald in the doorway. 

Then, there is this guy I call Ollie:


"Whatever you call the phenomenon, the Z-film clearly shows that JFK's  elbows went up above the level of his hands, his hands in front of his throat but not touching it. That is an awkward and unusual position for someone to suddenly exhibit. It was obviously the result of spinal trauma, whether or not you invoke Dr. Thorburn's name." 

How do you explain JFK's reaction, Ralph? Did "they" superimpose Billy Lovelady's arms and hands on the president's body? 

My response: 

Suddenly exhibit it? Are you nuts? What happened suddenly is that JFK was suddenly shot in the neck.  How do I explain his reaction? How about that he just did it. In other words, it was a muscular action on his part, not a neurological reflex. 

Kennedy had been shot in the neck from the front, and he brought his hands up to the site of injury. 

When people are choking on food, don't they bring their hand or hands up to their neck? Well, JFK was choking on a bullet. 

And it is very reasonable to assume that he was choking on a bullet because the bullet, shot from the front, obviously did not exit out the back of his head. And yet, it wasn't found on autopsy. Dr. Humes did not examine the throat wound because he was falsely told that it was just a tracheotomy incision. It wasn't until the next day when he talked to Dr. Perry on the phone that he learned that there had been a bullet hole there- what Perry believed to be an entry wound. 

Well, Humes should have demanded to go back in and re-examine JFK to track that bullet, with the threat of screaming bloody murder if they didn't let him do it. But, Humes didn't do that; instead he burned his autopsy notes. 

But, we know there was no bullet there because they thoroughly x-rayed JFK's body, including that area, and they reported seeing no such bullet. Therefore, either they falsified the x-ray OR that bullet was extracted from JFK at the "pre-autopsy" as per David Lifton and others.  

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