Saturday, September 19, 2015

According to Yusof Hassan, the Willis frame corresponds to Z-202.

Since the Altgens photo corresponds to Z-255, and there were 18 frames per second, it comes out to 2.94 seconds between Willis and Altgens. So supposedly, Hickey went from this:

to this:

in 2.94 seconds. And of course, they don't look like the same man.

And don't be confused because on the right, he's facing the opposite direction. Do you see him turning around and getting situated that fast? In 2.94 seconds? 

But, look at him on the left because we know that's real. He hears a sound coming from behind him. What does he do? He twists his head around. He just has to get his eyes back there- not his whole body. He is NOT going to pick his butt up from out of that seat and turn his whole body around. He's not a kid. He's an adult. He's just going to turn and look. 

Besides, what good is it going to do? He can't neutralize a shooter from where he is. If he thinks there's a shooter, he needs to get Kennedy out of the Kill Zone. That's his obligation. That's his duty. Not to spot the guy but to evade the guy. 

You don't have to be a very smart Secret Service agent to know that if somebody is shooting from a building way behind you, you can't do anything to neutralize that guy. You can't take him out. But, you know that the way out is to go forward- as rapidly as possible. 

So, Hickey was turned the wrong way. He should have had his eyes and his mind on Kennedy and moving Kennedy out of harm's way. 

But, the whole image is ridiculous. How could Hickey have undergone such a repositioning in 2.94 seconds with no reaction from Clint and the others?

This is horse shit. 

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