Friday, September 4, 2015

David Emerling 
Sep 3 (14 hours ago)
On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 8:19:21 PM UTC-5, Ralph Cinque wrote:>phrase-often.html

There is so much inaccurate information in your above blog it's difficult
to know where to start. So, I'll just pick one.

You said, "The whole idea of Oswald keeping a rifle at Ruth Paine's is
preposterous. Where was it the whole time he was in New Orleans? In her
garage but she didn't notice it? Is that the story? Who would hide a rifle
in someone's garage without telling her and then move to another state?
Another state? Isn't possession 99% of the law? And no one can claim that
Oswald took the rifle to New Orleans, which is preposterous."

What a load of crap from beginning to end!

Oswald had his rifle in New Orleans according to Marina. She said he would
sit for hours, late at night, working the bolt and dry firing it. She said
sometimes he would take the rifle with him and disappear for a few hours.
She just assumed he went someplace to shoot it.

Ruth Paine drove down to visit the Oswald's in September 1963. At that
time, they loaded up her car with their possessions and Ruth and Marina
drove back to Dallas. Oswald stayed behind because of his planned trip to
Mexico City - which is something he did not share with Ruth. Ruth Paine,
unwittingly, took Oswald's rifle back to Irving. Oswald had it tightly
wrapped in the rug. Michael Paine helped Ruth unload the car and recalled
carrying the rug into the garage. He knew something was in it but he just
assumed it was camping gear or something like that. Ruth did not know that
there was a rifle in the garage but Marina certainly did.

Many of Oswald's possession were stored at Ruth Paine's house. His room at
the boarding house in Oak Cliff was hardly bigger than a walk-in

Oswald would have never moved to New Orleans and left his weapons behind -
and he DIDN'T! And he sure as hell was never going to tell Ruth about his
ownership of these weapons. Marina wasn't going to tell her, either.

The reason Ruth didn't notice it was precisely because it was concealed in
the rug. Why would she unravel the rug? You find this all too fantastic to
believe - seriously?

David Emerling
Memphis, TN 

Ralph Cinque: 

Ruth Paine unwittingly took Oswald's rifle back to Irving? 

Ruth Paine UNWITTINGLY took Oswald's rifle back to Irving?

After 52 years, is that what it comes down to? Is that what you have to say in order to convict Oswald? And of course, you're willing to say it. 

You didn't even have the decency to put it this way: 

"Ruth Paine must have unwittingly taken Oswald's rifle back to Irving."

No, you just stated it as an unqualified, unconditional fact. 

That is some tall tale of Ruth and Michael Paine, but the question is: why would anyone above the age of 3 believe it? 

Why does it seem credible to you, Emerling? It's because this is the JFK assassination, and you do what you have to do, you say what you have to say, you believe what you have to believe, in order to convict Oswald. 

Well, I will tell you categorically that NO ONE would do that. And when I say no one, I mean nobody on Earth. Everybody would ask: WHAT'S THIS?

Ruth and Michael Paine were working for the CIA. They were part of the plot. They were part of the infamous "they" who did it and framed Oswald.  

And it wasn't a RUG. It was a BLANKET. How do you transfer a rifle, the shape that it is, in a blanket without getting a sense about what it is?

And considering how big a rifle is, how many layers of blanket do you think were covering it? Enough to hide the shape of the rifle? 

So, that long barrel at one end and the stock on the other end didn't jump out at them as being a rifle? They had no clue?

How did Oswald get the rifle to New Orleans? Had it wrapped in a blanket did he? And nobody on the bus recognized it for what it was either? 

But wait. This statement is by William Kelly:

"Shortly after the Walker shooting deMohrenschildt saw the rifle and joked with Oswald about the Walker shooting and then deMohren went to NYC to meet with CIA officers and military intelligence agents before moving to Haiti. Because of the heat over the Walker shooting, Oswald took a bus to New Orleans, got a job and an apartment, then Mrs. Paine drove Marina and the baby and the rifle to New Orleans, which was a very hot spot for the next few months."

So, Ruth Paine transferred the rifle wrapped in the blanket TWICE without knowing what it was? And it never occurred to her to ask?  

This is pathetic, Emerling. It's like using scotch tape to hold together the ship of state in the case against Oswald. It has a credibility in the laughter range.   

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