Thursday, September 10, 2015

He says: "It's just that many people have questions as to how you were able to achieve such an incredibly high-quality photograph, given the nature of the Polaroid."

Mary: "We were not a photographic type of family. We just snapped pictures here and there."

Interviewer: "We know that you must have used ASA 3000 speed film, and we know that your camera must have been equipped with the retrofit light kit, otherwise, you would not have been to take this quality a photograph."

Go to 7:25.

What the hell is he talking about high-quality?

It is just more spewing of Kennedy's blood. The lying goes on and on, incessantly. How could anyone call the Moorman photo high-quality? It is deplorable quality. In areas, it doesn't even reach the threshold of looking photographic. 

The murder of John Kennedy continues to take place. They kill him over and over again, with each new day. And the sick, twisted state of our society is such that even the Kennedys don't care. They don't do a thing about it. Jack, Bobby, John- all brutally murdered by monstrous fiends, crimes so wicked that anyone who fails to recognize it- to see it for what it is and call it what it is- is effectively an accomplice to it. 

But, there will be a reckoning. There will be justice for Jack, Bobby, and John.

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