Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I am pleased to announce that the newest senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign is the French researcher, Christian Toussay.

For many years, Christian has been intensely involved in studying the photographic record of the JFK assassination, explicitly to identify alterations and fraud in the images, including photographs and films. And he has developed his own computer-related technique to analyze images which he calls Data Resilence Analysis or DRA. He is is writing a book about it which is almost completed.  I asked Christian how DRA compares to Tom Wilson's method, and this is what he said:

Yes, I know about Tom Wilson's work: if you go to Amazon and check the ratings for "A Deeper, Darker Truth", you'll find my review under my name there. As I explain in my book, it was actually the discovery of Wilson's work in the mid 90's that drove me to get involved. It convinced me that I had spent enough time polishing the concept of my methodology: it was high time I stopped procrastinating and put my theory to the test and develop a working, operational model. 

The methods are different, but the core results are identical: gain in clarity, and retrieval of purposely occulted data. From what I have seen of Wilson's results, I have to think that DRA is vastly superior to Tom Wilson's technique, in the specific matter of analyzing the JFK films and photos. I would never make the same claim as to the capability to make geological analysis from pictures, which is what Wilson did brilliantly with his method and equipment.

Wilson's method was indeed able to detect some of the forgeries, but some of his interpretations are wrong, as I explain in my review, and as I expound on further in my book. My research goes way, way beyond his, quantitatively and qualitatively.

I credit Wilson and other researchers, such as Jack White (with whom I have both agreed and disagreed) and all the researchers that kept my interest in the case peaked when it could have dwindled. I would not have discovered anything, were it not for all of them.

So far, Christian has devoted most of his attention to the Zapruder film, but lately, his focus has been on the Dillard and Powell photos, both taken of the Sniper's Nest shortly after the shooting. Have you ever noticed that they don't match? Christian noticed.

What we see in the Powell photo does not make sense. We know very well that there weren't that many boxes obscuring the Sniper's nest. Besides, you know at least one of those images has to be false since they're different.

So, using his DRA technology, Christian looked beneath the Powell window, and this is what he found: 

Here is what Christian says about it:

So, it is yet another example of blatant forgery in the official record, in order to hide the presence of a DPD officer (or someone dressed as such) in the Sniper's Nest at a time when nobody was supposed to be up there, much less a DPD officer. It is another deliberate falsification of the photographic record in order to frame Oswald. 

So there is no discrepancy, actually, between Dillard and Powell. The apparent "discrepancy" was in fact created by trying to hide the presence of an unknown DPD officer by occulting him behind a "stack of boxes", thus creating a mystery that has baffled researchers for more than half a century.

As to why he's not seen in Dillard, we can assume that he was trying to stay back so as not to be seen. But for a brief moment, he came too close to the window, and Powell caught him.  It may have only been a split-second.

Well it is solved now, among many other things. This is but one small example of what my methodology can do relative for many of the unresolved mysteries of the JFK Assassination.

I am stating simply that this new image enhancement technique is almost like a magic wand with which you can not only tremendously enhance pictures, but also detect forgeries and retrieve the original data.

Check out Polynomial Texture Mapping, if you haven't already:

My methodology is similar to theirs but more efficient. 

I am considering coming over to the States for one of the Conventions: if it can be arranged, I can show you and other interested parties what I do: my methodology is very simple and does not require any costly or sophisticated equipment.

Welcome to the OIC, Christian. 


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