Thursday, September 3, 2015

I can just imagine that Oswald would have wound up with a Dream Team of lawyers- all working gratis. It would have consisted of Mark Lane and Vincent Salandria, for sure, and I don't know where William Pepper was at that point in his career, but if he was around, he'd have been on it too. Other prominent defense lawyers would also have likely come forward to help. 

And the very first thing they would have asked their client was whether he did it. And Oswald would have said no. And the very next thing they would have asked - and you can bet the proverbial farm on this- is: where were you at the time of the shots?

And of course Oswald would have told them the truth, that he was out in front with Bill Shelley in the doorway. 

And of course, they would have heard about the Altgens photo and the Man in the Doorway, and they would have brought it to Oswald. And what would Oswald have said upon seeing it? "That's me." 

And from that point on, it would have been all over. The prosecution would have been like a chicken running around with its head cut off- dead as doornail but still making a fuss.

And just like Ray Crump's lawyer Dovey Roundtree in the case of Mary Pinchot Meyer, they would have won.  

And, not only would they have won and won handily, but it would have resulted in the exposure of criminal activity in the framing of Oswald that would have resulted in a new criminal investigation leading to arrest warrants being issued. 

But, why did they have to kill Oswald so fast? He didn't even have a lawyer yet, and in cases like this, it usually takes months before any trial starts. 

I believe the existence of the Altgens photo is why they had to kill Oswald so fast. He didn't know about it, but when he was shown it, he surely would have identified Doorman as himself. And they knew that. That's why the FBI did not visit him the night of November 23 when they stormed Lovelady's house with an image of Doorway Man "as big as a desk" according to his wife. Think: if there was the least bit of honesty and objectivity, they would have showed the Altgens photo to both of them: Oswald and Lovelady. But instead, they just showed it to Lovelady, and they didn't even tell Oswald about it. 

Now, that was corrupt. That was truly duplicitous. An honest investigator would surely have shown the Altgens photo to both of them.  Why the hell didn't tey?And there is no excuse for not doing so. 

Lately on McAdams' forum, they have been talking about consciousness of guilt- as if Oswald had any. But, there was indeed consciousness of guilt on the part of the FBI who knew very well that Oswald was the Man in the Doorway. By that time, the cover-up had already begun- in earnest.

But, getting back to that Dream Team of kick-ass lawyers who would have defended Oswald, and them asking him where he was at the time of the shots, what do you think he would have said? And really it is a two-part question: Where were you, and what were you doing? Well, he was in the doorway, and he was watching the motorcade, just like everybody else. That's what he would have told them, and they would have believed him, and it would have been the ticket to his exoneration and freedom.    

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