Thursday, September 3, 2015

I have read more of that horrible book, A Cruel and Shocking Act, by Phillip Shenon, and I have more to share. 

It concerns Oswald's "historic diary" about his time in Russia. 
Reportedly, much of it wasn't written until after he returned to the U.S. But, that is ridiculous because how could Oswald remember all the dates? Take a look: 

So no, I don't believe that, and I don't even accept that it's genuine. I think the whole thing could be a fabrication and probably is.  

Of course, it portrays Oswald very badly. The spelling and grammatical errors were much worse than what McAdams posted above. For example, Oswald mentioned receiving a gift copy of Dostoyevsky's The Idiot.  Except, he referred to it as The Ideot.  It takes quite an idiot to misspell idiot. 

But, just think: this idiot who couldn't spell idiot actually taught himself Russian from scratch. That's Russian. The Russian language. This stuff: 

And though it wasn't stated, it was certainly implied that the copy of The Idiot he received was in Russian. 

So, this idiot who couldn't spell idiot was reading The Idiot and other Russian classics in Russian. Only in America could they come up with a story like that.

The entire diary was published in Life magazine. It also became Warren Commission Exhibit 24, which came out later. The Dallas Police and the FBI tried to determine who leaked the diary. 

Marina was a suspect, but she denied it. Life insisted that she was not the source. But, she did give them permission to publish it, and they allowed her edit it, and she changed some names to protect some people. And they paid her $20,000 on the grounds that if anyone legally owned it, she did. 

It was first suspected the Gerald Ford had leaked the diary, but he denied it, and he got the FBI involved in renouncing the idea. Ultimately, the FBI declared that "a supervisor at the Dallas Police Department leaked the diary."

But, that turned out to be a lie. The one who leaked it and got it to Life magazine was the Dallas reporter Hugh Aynesworth, who is no friend to Oswald supporters. I doubt there's been any reporter more suited to the word "shill" than Hugh Aynesworth. And he got paid too by Life in the amount of $2500. He  had them make the check out to his wife so there wouldn't be a direct paper trail to him.  I wonder if he paid taxes on it. 

But, let's get back to Marina. Has anyone calculated the amount of money she received after the JFK assassination? She received a lot of donations, including many from average Americans. She was paid to do interviews. She was paid to make statements. She was paid $20,000 for that diary. What would that be worth in today's dollars? I figure about $200,000. 

The fact is: our country plied Marina Oswald with a lot of money after the assassination just for supporting the awful things we were saying about her husband. As I wrote a few days ago, no witness did more damage to Lee Harvey Oswald than his wife Marina. She was numero uno- the most valuable, the most damaging Warren Commission witness of them all, and by a country mile. 

Did she just sell him out for cold hard cash? Well yes, she did, but I don't think it was her conscious thought. I think the wave of Orwellian "group think" that arose after the assassination overwhelmed her just as it did most everybody. With so much pressure, so much near unanimity that Oswald did it 'cause he was bad, bad, bad, and with dazzling rewards dangled in front of her just for endorsing the terrible story, and not just financial rewards, but respect and sympathy and, dare I say, tenderness from people large and small, far and wide, that her conscious and subconscious mind saw it as the right move to make. And the rest can be summed up in one word: rationalization. It has to be one of the worst words in the English dictionary. 

As for the diary, the whole thing is written in the present tense. If he wrote it after he returned, wouldn't he have written, "I went, I saw," etc.? 

And I have to laugh. He tries to commit suicide, where the bathtub water in which he was soaking unconscious was "a rich red color." He gets rushed to the hospital, where he complains about the food? I bet he told them, "What do I have to do to get a decent meal around here, slash my wrists?"  

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