Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I read through some of that exchange between Richard Charnin and bpete concerning what Lovelady and others said about his location in the doorway.

First, you can't go by anything that Frazier said because he was all over the place. He drew an arrow to Doorman who was on the top level, but he also said that Lovelady was 2 or 3 steps below him, and then in 2013, he said that he had sent Lovelady down to the bottom of the steps to watch the motorcade. I guess he didn't realize that he was contradicting himself. 

So, forget about what Frazier said- then or now. He is a very confused and troubled person. You would be too if you betrayed your friend and were lying about it for 52 years.

But, Lovelady said that he was "on your top level." And remember that he and Ball were looking at this photo as they discussed it. But neither one of them said out loud the obvious thing; neither referred to the elephant in the room. Lovelady didn't ask: 

"Why is this photo so freaky? There is a guy there with no face. There is just a black hole. And there's another guy with a weird white blotch over his face. I've never seen anything like it. What happened to this damn photo?"

No, Lovelady didn't say that, but don't you think he wondered it? Hadn't he been looking at photographs his whole life? Haven't we all? Have you ever seen a photograph like this before? Isn't it unique to the JFK world?

Lovelady said that he was on your top level, and he drew an arrow to himself. Well, there are only two guys on that top level: Doorman and Black Hole Man. We see the arrow to Doorman, which was drawn by Frazier. So, where is Loveyady's arrow? It has to be there somewhere. 

Well, the only other mark I see is the discreet mark on the forearm of Black Hole Man. If you can find any other mark besides Frazier's arrow and that one, then point it out.  But, I have studied it closely under magnification and bright light, and I know there is no other mark. Therefore, the forearm mark must be the tail of Lovelady's arrow simply by default. It is the only other marking on the photo besides Frazier's arrow.

And note that that is definitely just one arrow on the left. One arrow with a baseline, a left arm, and a right arm. It isn't two arrows; it's one arrow. Lovelady did not heap his arrow on top of Frazier's. That is just a stupid bpetery. There is no other arrow pointing to Doorman except Frazier's arrow. Lovelady did not draw his arrow to Doorman. He drew it to Black Hole Man. That's because he was Black Hole Man.


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