Saturday, September 5, 2015

Joseph Ball, in questioning Buell Frazier, asked him directly who Doorman was. He pointed to him and asked, "Who's he?"

Joseph Ball, in questioning Danny Arce, asked him directly who Doorman was. He pointed to him and asked, "Who's he?"

But, Joseph Ball, in questioning Billy Lovelady, did NOT ask him who Doorman was. Instead, he just asked him to draw an arrow to himself on the photo. 

Now, listen up, people: there is NO innocent explanation for that. There is no rationale for it other than that Ball knew that he could trust Frazier and Arce to give him the answer that he wanted and he could not trust Lovelady. 

And even after Lovelady drew his arrow, Ball never stated that it was drawn to Doorman. And clearly, if it were drawn to Doorman, Ball would have stated it. He would have distinguished the result. He would have identified the figure to whom Lovelady drew his arrow.  He didn't. 

Just read this between Ball and Arce:

Mr. BALL. Just 1 minute, I want to show you a picture. I show you Commission Exhibit No. 369. I show you this picture. See this man in this picture?
Mr. ARCE. Yeah.
Mr. BALL. Recognize him?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, that's Billy Lovelady.
Mr. BALL. Just to identify it clearly, the man on the steps---well, you see the man on the steps, do you not?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. He is a white man, isn't he?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. And you see his picture just above the picture of two colored people, is that correct; would you describe it like that?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. I am not going to mark this purposely because other witnesses have to see it.
Mr. ARCE. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Did you say that is Billy Lovelady?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, that is Billy Lovelady.
Mr. BALL. Now, there is only one face that is clearly shown within the entrance-way of the Texas School Book Depository Building, isn't there?
Mr. ARCE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. And only one face of a person who is standing on the steps of the Depository Building entrance?
Mr. ARCE. Yeah.
Mr. BALL. And that one man you see there---
Mr. ARCE. Yes, that's Billy Lovelady. 

All of that confirming, all of that identifying, all of that verifying was totally absent with Lovelady. Ball never articulated to whom Lovelady drew his arrow. He just said that there was an arrow in the white and an arrow in the black, and then he quickly changed the subject. He moved on.

And that's because Lovelady drew his arrow to another figure. That is the only thing it can mean. And when we examine the photo, the only other mark on the photo besides Frazier's arrow is associated with another figure.

CE 369 still exists. It's in the National Archives in Maryland. 

So, all this could be confirmed. This is 2015, and detecting the marks that were made on that photo would be the easiest thing in the world. The only problem is that the people guarding the photo are accessories after the fact in the crime. They are working for the killers- one of whom is still alive. I won't mention his name, but his son is running for President. And it isn't Rand Paul. I think we can be darn sure that Ron Paul had nothing to do with killing Kennedy. So, anything they might show us today would be part of the whole web of phony, manipulated evidence that they've been showcasing since 11/22/63.  

It's staggering to think that once the murder was committed, work of  2 1/2 years duration was completed, but that was only the beginning of the cover-up, which has been going on for 52 years, with no end in sight. 

And don't assume that they are working the cover-up any less vigorously today than they did years and decades ago. A network of operatives- across the globe, from the US to the UK to Australia- are working the JFK cover-up, and especially online.  It's mostly online. That's where the battle is being fought.  Some of them, in fact many of them, pretend to be Oswald defenders. They never actually defend him; they just claim to endorse his innocence in order to win acceptance among CTs. It's just a ploy. 

You would think these people would be smart enough to actually defend Oswald once in a while, to not devote 100% of their time trying to debunk me. It was Jack White who first pointed out that anyone who only debunks is not for real. And what's pathetic, in this case, is that they have not debunked me at all. They have failed in every attempt. I have never once felt compelled to remove anything from the OIC website because of challenges made by my opponents. All of my images and writings on the Doorway Man, and all of my images and writings about the phony sightings of Billy Lovelady on 11/22/63 after the assassination are still up. Every one of those Lovelady sightings is bogus. All of them are fake.

Yes, they've committed some crimes against me, including at my house.  But, it only shows their desperation and helplessness that they have to resort to such things. 

But, I don't put anything past these people, including murdering me. 

I wrote that to Texas Governor Greg Abbott. And he wrote back.

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