Thursday, September 10, 2015

2:35 PM (1 hour ago)
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As Lance pointed out,  Ralph needed to stand where
Babushka lady was standing and take the picture if he believed that
Babushka lady took the Mooman photo.

Ralph Cinque:

But, I was testing whether Mary Moorman took it from her position, which is why I shot the pictures from Mary's spot. 

You don't get it, Mike. The capture of BJ Martin's hand and arm in the Moorman photo is art. Lousy art, but still art. It didn't happen photographically, not by Mary Moorman and not by Babushka Lady. There is no way Babushka Lady captured that. This is the view Babushka Lady had:

That's how it looked when Babushka Lady snapped her picture. Can't you see that from her perspective, Martin was in front of Hargis? He wasn't really, but that's the parallax effect. The above image was taken by Marie Muchmore not Babushka lady, but Babushka's angle was similar to Muchmore's, but even more angled, even more extreme. But, something like that view is what Babushka Lady and her camera saw, and this is how her photo must have looked:

It certainly did not look like this:

They added that right arm precisely because they took the real manifestation of BJ Martin out; they destroyed it. What do you think the white thumbprint was for? You don't believe that it was an accident, do you? An accident? What turnip truck did you fall off of? 

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