Monday, September 7, 2015

There was another meeting of the Densa Club, and they really got dense. 

It was not necessary that this image be an EXACT duplication of the Moorman photo. Close was definitely good enough for what was being tested, which was a cyclist entering the visual field from the east side. And it came out nothing remotely close to this:

That's what had to be reproduced to validate the Moorman photo, nothing less.

I do not endorse this rendering below by bpete, but even if it were valid, how does it fulfill the above?

A partial fist does not a forearm make. It has to look like this:

This isn't about winning on a technicality. You can't. It's about duplicating the Moorman photo. It's about reproducing the same thing we see in the Moorman photo, and that includes everything we see: the position and location of the right hand, including the big, flat expanse of the right hand being on the outside when it should be just the lone thumb coming down there, and that very, very L-O-N-G expanse of forearm showing without any left arm emerging at all.  

That's what you have to do. You have to reproduce this, in all its particulars:

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