Wednesday, September 9, 2015

You can use the zoom to crop, but you can't just crop one side with it. You have to crop the whole picture, the whole field. That's why bpete's picture went from this:

to this:

But, what does that have to do with what Mary Moorman did? Nothing. Her camera didn't even have a zoom function, and even if it had, there is no reason to think she would have used it. 

You could also crop the bottom edge by elevating the camera, or even just by tipping it back. But again: what does that have to do with what Mary Moorman did? Nothing.

Mary Moorman just pointed her camera at the Kennedys, and inadvertently, BJ Martin entered her camera field from the east side. So, that's what I did. I just pointed my camera the way Mary did and at the same angle, and then I let my Martin proxy enter my field. And this was the result:

And if the view is off a little, it doesn't matter one iota. The point is that when you're angled left like that, that the left side of the rider is going to manifest in the image. You're not going to get a long right arm by itself.

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