Monday, November 4, 2019

The Taliban is claiming to have killed another American soldier in Afghanistan, and this time, they have posted a picture of his dead body. 

I am not going to put the picture up here, but I will provide the link to it.

What is going on now, with the blackout in reporting U.S. casualties in Afghanistan, is a deliberate manipulation of the American people to keep them in the dark and prevent public pressure to end U.S. fighting in Afghanistan. The fighting would likely continue even if we pull out, and that's between the Afghan government and the Taliban. But, the idea of an intra-Afghan conference could still be pursued, and perhaps the Russians or the Chinese or both could step up to spearhead it. 

What would be so bad about dissolving the present Afghan government and starting from scratch? The Taliban has expressed a willingness, in principle, to have an inclusive government that represents all Afghans. I don't know if an accord could be reached or not, but I would shed no tears if the current Afghan government bit the dust. Everyone admits that its corruption is rampant. Here's an article which describes an Afghan official leaving the country with $50 million in cash.

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