Thursday, November 28, 2019

This is the Betzner3 photo. Notice the other freeway sign, RL Thornton. 

And here is Willis, and there is no other sign. There is no street light. And there is a tree in front of the pedestal. Is all that due to parallax? I wish I could find another image of that Thornton sign. So far, I haven't. 

And they're taken about simultaneously, less than a second apart, weren't they? McAdams says so. .8 sec.  Look how identical the SS agents are. The vehicles are in the same locations. The angles are about the same. So, how come the spectators match so poorly? 

Is that all just due to parallax? I don't know.  But, I am suspicious of the obstruction of that guy in Betzner. I'm not buying the behavior of it.  I think Betzner would have stepped around and gotten that guy out of his way. Have you ever in your life shot a picture like that? Because I haven't, and I wouldn't. I would step around the guy. Who wants a picture like this?

But, there is no obstruction in Willis.

McAdams says that this is the last image of JFK before he emerges from behind the sign at Z225. So, I presume that he thinks it correlates with what we don't see of Kennedy in the Z film because of the sign.  So, doesn't that mean that Kennedy gets shot here? If he gets shot behind the sign, and this corresponds to behind the sign to Zapruder, then again, doesn't it mean that Kennedy got shot here?

Where the sign would intrude on Zapruder's field of view depended on where he was pointing his camera, and he was constantly changing his angle of view, trying to stay on the limo.  Here's how it looks to me.

So, the sign is circled. When pointing the camera at the top of the hill, the sign should not have obstructed anything. And it would have taken quite a while before the limo got behind it from Zapruder's perspective. And because it was perpendicular to the road, it was not angled properly to where its whole surface could block his view. What we see in the Zapruder film is absolutely impossible because the angle of the sign is all wrong.    

And since the sign was not positioned to block Zapruder's view of the top of the hill, since any blocking had to wait until the limo came down the hill a ways. Kennedy should not disappear behind the sign until the sign is between him and Zapruder. Let's count the frames. 

So, that's Z 130, and the limo hasn't even made the horseshoe turn onto Elm yet. 

There's Z207 in which he is disappearing behind the sign. That's 77 frames. 77 divided by 18 is 4.2 seconds. So, do you think it went from this:

to this:

in about 4 seconds? And remember how slow it was going and how arduous that turn was. To my eyes, judging by where Zapruder, the sign,and Kennedy are, it does look like the sign could be obstructing the camera's view of Kennedy above, although not to the extent that it occurs in the Z film. But, I don't see any indication of him being shot there. I don't see any signs of anyone having an awareness of anything wrong. The SS agents look completely relaxed. There are no spectators reacting. Kennedy seems to have his head turned to the right, taking in the spectators. As soon as he got shot, he had to forget about them. so, if this is a legitimate image, it doesn't appear that he's been shot. McAdams says the above photo: "Phillip Willis took this photograph at Z-202." Oh really? Well, look where they are. they are way past the TSBD, aren't they? So, if that's 202, how could this be 255?

You can't tell me that that Willis slide came before the Altgens photo. 

McAdams claims that Betzner3 corresponds to Z186.

Again, that's 186, but this is 255?

 Kennedy does not appear to be shot in Willis, but why does JFK look so dark? Everyone else seems infused with light except him. 

 His image looks weirdly dark and crude, like he's a mass of shadow, and he alone looks that way.  

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