Wednesday, November 20, 2019

This is the route Ruby took from his apartment to Western Union. It was a little over 3 miles. 

So, he would have been heading to our right on Main Street at the top, between Elm and Commerce. He would have passed City Hall and the ramp, and Western Union was a block and a half further east. But, he had to go through Dealey Plaza. You see the 3-pronged road there, and that was Elm-Main-Commerce with all the pretty grass: Dealey Plaza. The story goes that before going to WU that Ruby went to visit the wreaths AGAIN. He did it on Saturday, but supposedly he did it again on Sunday. But, that's not that big a deal because all it means is that he came up Main, and then turned  left on Houston and then went down Elm to drive by the wreaths. And then a little further, there was a way to make a U to get back on Main. So, in other words, he would have just done an extra little loop. How long would it have taken? Probably 5 minutes or less. So, even if he did visit the wreaths, AGAIN, it didn't add much time to his drive. 

So, Ruby got up early, by his own admission. He dressed and ate breakfast. And then he left for Western Union. So, what time do you think he got there? Even today on mapquest it says that it only takes 6 minutes to drive from his address on Ewing Street to the the Main Street address of the old WU. That's today. Do you realize how much lighter traffic was in 1963? Let's allow a whopping 10 minutes (more than enough) plus another 5 for wreaths, so now it's 15 minutes door to door from his apartment to WU. Since he said he got up early, well, make it 9 oclock. He dresses and eats. Give it 45 minutes. Now, it's 9:45 AM. If you allow 15 minutes for him to get there, now it's 10:00. If you allow a whopping 15 minutes for him to conduct his business at WU and then walk the block and a half, now it's 10:30.  That's 48 minutes before he officially reached the ramp.  That is about when he reached it. I'm telling you: he got there early, and they got him secured up on the 5th floor; he was in holding; so that they could slip him into the story later. It was a bait and switch. 

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