Sunday, February 23, 2020

Here's the link to the slugout between Anderson Cooper and Rod Blagojevich. I don't know how good you are at calling fights, but I call this one a win for Blago by knockout. Blago had a comeback for everything Cooper threw at him, and he was quite eloquent. It's no wonder that Cooper started cursing. It's what losers do.

The big question is: why did they even go after Blago? They went after him BEFORE they happened upon that comment he made that he ought to get something for appointing whomever Obama wanted to replace him in the Senate. If the law states that the governor gets to decide, why should he have to abide by what the incoming President wants? If that's the case, they should just make it that the incoming President decides. So, there was actually a basis for why he would be resentful since he was being usurped. But regardless, he only made an offhand remark to his brother that he ought to get something in exchange for letting Obama tell him who to appoint, and to construe that into a crime and prosecute him for it, when he never demanded anything, is the real crime. 

But, as I said, they were already determined to get him before that, and they just lucked into that and made hay out of it. Do you know that he imported prescription drugs from Canada for the Illinois health care system? The case against him started under Bush, not Obama. And the Bush administration was vehemently opposed to people doing that-getting drugs from Canada- let alone governors doing it. Here's a short video by an Illinoian, In Defense of Rod Blagojevich. You should give it a listen.

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