Tuesday, February 4, 2020

It is unfortunate that some people do not know how to think. They do not understand that there is a hierarchy when it comes to evidence and considerations. Some things are more important than other things. And some things are so important, so conclusive, that they trump all other considerations. 

For instance, we can look at the back of the head, including the hair and the skin, of the Garage Shooter, we see that it differed radically from that of Jack Ruby on 11/24/63.

The Garage Shooter had long hair in back that curled up at the bottom as per the Jackson photo, and it looks like a wig. Below it, his neck was razored clean. Ruby, on the other hand, looks like he was 2 or 3 weeks out from his last haircut. He's got that scruffy growth. His hair is shorter, and it definitely is not a wig. 

So, the hair comparison alone tells us that they are not the same man on the same day, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be the same man on the same day. 

So, if I point that out to some people, they may respond with, "But, Ruby admitted doing it." 

First, he did NOT admit doing it. He accepted doing it. He said he had no memory of doing it; no intention of doing it; and no inclination to do it.  But, he accepted that he did it because the Dallas Police told him that he did. 

But regardless of that, this collage trumps it even if Ruby swore in the name of John the Revelator that he did it. Nobody's lip-flapping, not even Ruby's, trumps this collage. They were different men- no ifs, ands, or buts. 

This comes down to maturity- maturity as a thinker. It's about being an adult; being a realist, and refusing to be distracted by irrelevancies. Anyone whose mind is like jello shouldn't be doing this. You need to know when you know something and why you know it. 

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