"There is no chance at all that any shots came from the TSBD. That's no chance, absolutely positively none."
Bob Mady
Their agenda in order to perpetuate 911 started with their crimes to elect George W. Bush: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/05/15/us-dictatorship-and-its-free-fall/
“Debt Forever: (plus wars forever, since they pay so well for Rothschilds to finance the government´s debt): Debt that can never be paid off, only grow. Power of creating money from nothing and loaning it to nations at compounding interest . . . the “magic” of Rothschild-controlled central banking. "America’s infection is called the “Federal Reserve System,” a private, for-profit corporation independent of the federal government. The Fed has no reserves, is simply a system for transferring wealth from the people to the elite via national debt, GWOT, “benign global hegemony” ...“The continuous consolidation of wealth and power into higher, tighter, and righter hands.” "The whole Rothschild Usury Mill (RUM) offers only one destiny or conclusion, only one horizon: Rothschilds will own the entire planet. They are already closer to global ownership than few people other than the elite might imagine. The US has a potentially-fatal RUM infection. …