Saturday, July 4, 2015

John McAdams put this up as an image of Mary Moorman taking her picture. Except: she couldn't have taken it then, not if the Moorman photo was the result. Above, Jackie was much closer to JFK. Below, they are more distant. 

Look at the relative positions of Mary, Jackie, and JFK. Now tell me how her picture would have captured JFK at all. Wouldn't Jackie have blocked Mary's view of JFK?

So obviously, Mary did NOT take her photo then. She looks like she's about to take the picture there, but we know she didn't. 

So, what did she do? Did she keep them in her viewfinder and swing around to stay with them? No. There isn't a lick of evidence she did that. Did she lower the camera; reposition herself; and then find them again in the viewfinder? There isn't a lick of evidence she did that either. Above, you can see that she was ready to take the picture. So, why didn't she? If she had, it would have come out much difference than this:

 You can't get the image above from this picture-taking below:

Obviously, the limo had to move farther down the road in order for Mary to get this:

But, why would she have waited? And how, in what manner, would she have waited? 

One thing is for sure: John McAdams' presumption about when Mary Moorman took her picture is wrong. 

She did not snap the shutter at this moment:

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