Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hickey said that he stood up in the car and then he turned. And, it's the only way he could have done it. 

He couldn't turn and then stand up. Try it. You can't do it. 

So, he had to first stand up, and then he could turn.

But, in the Altgens photo, he is not yet standing, yet he is completely turned.

He is not yet standing because if he were standing, he would be as tall as those Secret Service agents.

Hickey was every bit as tall as Clint Hill.

Vince Palamara claims that this is also George Hickey:

How do you mesh that guy with this guy?

But, let's consider what he supposedly did, which was stand up in a moving car.

Don't tell me that if you were standing up in the rear compartment of that car when it was moving that you wouldn't grab the seatback of the seat in front of you for support. And even if you were going to turn around to your right, you would continue to hold it with your left hand for support. That would affect the disposition of his head, neck, and shoulders, but in this photo, he doesn't appear to be holding on to anything. He seems to be in neutral alignment. 

 And there was nothing he could reach for in front of him.

He would have been standing in the well. There was nothing for him to hold. He would have just been standing freely in a moving car. Does this guy look like some kind of acrobat to you?

At the very least, he would have put his arms out to help him with balance. Think of a tightrope walker.

That's what he would do, but he's not doing it.

 There are so many things wrong with this image, it's staggering to behold. Look at the size of Hickey compared to Kinney, the driver, who was no little guy. 

In the Altgens photo, the driver Kinney was closer to Altgens' camera than Hickey, and it was a long vehicle.

So, how could Hickey loom so large compared to Kinney?

The fact is that nothing about this image makes sense...

including Clint Hill's freaky hand. It is not legit. The Altgens photo must be one of the most altered photos of all time. It may be THE most altered photo of all time, although if it is, then surely the Moorman photo comes in second. Without a doubt, the JFK assassination is the most photographically altered event of all time, and nothing even comes close.  

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