Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The name of this black man in the Altgens photo has been made an issue by my incompetent critics.

They act as though I am responsible for calling him Roy Lewis. Others, and I mean all others in my circle, were calling him Roy Lewis, so I just assumed they were right. I didn't investigate it. I didn't study it. I didn't question it. 

Just like when I was told that this was Roy Truly, I didn't question it. There's no difference. 

But later, when I saw evidence that the black man in Altgens was Carl Jones, I was impressed with that evidence, and I changed my mind. Until then, I had never heard of Carl Jones.

But, the fact is, that the image of the black man in the Altgens photo isn't real. The image was put there. And that's the important point- not his name.

The image below shows what part of the doorway was visible to Altgens and his camera and what part was out of view. It is not in doubt.  

Carl Jones was next to the west wall, and it means that he was largely if not wholly out of view to Altgens.

The start of the Wiegman film was practically simultaneous with the Altgens photo.

There you see Carl against that column, his shoulder leaning against it, and he is looking west. He was NEVER looking east. 

And there is no way that Altgens could see him from where he was.

In the 1970s, they remodeled the doorway, removing the median handrail and replacing it with lateral handrails. 

The result is that you can no longer stand the way Carl Jones is seen in the Wiegman film, with his shoulder against the column.

He's got his hand on the molding of the column and he's leaning to his right. You can't do that any more. But, here's a shot which shows that shooting from Altgens' angle, it's cut off.

His left arm and shoulder would be exposed and maybe his left ear, but certainly not his face, which was definitely within the area of exclusion. 

During the shooting, Carl Jones was not doing this:

He was never turned eastward. Oswald's cuff was not in front of his neck. And that is not Carl's torso below, though it is supposed to be. The entire image of him is fake. His face was taken from a Phil Willis frame taken hours later.

That's when Carl was turned eastward. And that's Roy Lewis next to him in the purple sweater. 

How could Altgens and Willis capture such matching images of Carl Jones from completely different angles? They stuck the Willis image of Jones into the Altgens photo over whatever Altgens captured.

Whatever they were trying to cover up, I'm sure it pertained to the identification of Lee Harvey Oswald. Perhaps it was his right arm coming down to meet his left, as he clasped his hands in front of his body.

It was a common stance of Oswald's, and it's not as though Billy Lovelady ever did it. Oswald even did it when he was handcuffed to someone else.

It was comfortable for him. He liked doing it. He died doing it.

So, I'm sure it was at least one of the things they were seeking to cover up with this:

 And how could that shamrock-shaped thing, or I could say that it looks like a piece from a jigsaw puzzle, represent the body of Carl Jones? 

It's all bull shit. The image of him in the Altgens photo is completely fake. He was there, but he wasn't there like this, not at this moment:

And that is why he is featured on the Anomalies page of the OIC website, where he shall remain:


Of course, it's incomplete now. I should add a write-up about George Hickey. Maybe I will. 

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