Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I am pleased to announce that St. John Hunt, the son of CIA operative E. Howard Hunt (who had crucial roles in both the JFK assassination and the Watergate burglary) has become the newest senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign.

St. John is most widely known for having brought to public awareness the deathbed confession of E. Howard Hunt, in which he admitted his involvement in the "Big Event" and named Lyndon Johnson as having full awareness of it and a central role in organizing it. 

St. John is the author of two books. The first is Bond of Secrecy, which is about his relationship with his father and how he coaxed his father to come clean before he died. It also details the role that his father played in the JFK assassination. This is book is not only an interesting read, but it is of great historical importance.

Just think: Mark Lane, the attorney who beat E. Howard Hunt at trial and won a million dollar judgment against him is also a senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign.  Ironic, isn't it? 

St. John's second book, Dorothy, comes out next month, and it is about his mother, Dorothy Hunt, who died in a plane crash: United 553 in Chicago on December 8, 1972. It is often referred to as the "Watergate plane crash."Did you know that she was an intelligence agent in her own right who operated as far off as Shanghai and Calcutta? Many have claimed that this plane crash was no accident, that it was sabotage, and that Dorothy Hunt was the primary if not the only target. Now, St. John Hunt has written a book about her that only he could write. You can pre-order it on Amazon:


We are honored to have St. John Hunt as a senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign.  

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