Wednesday, September 9, 2015

There is absolutely no doubt that the Moorman photo was taken at an angle, a steep angle. This is the view you get when you don't turn at all; if you just face Elm Street squarely and directly, as you would if you were watching a parade and letting it pass you by:

You can see how far afield that is from the Moorman photo. That's why anyone who, in this day and age, tries to deny that the Moorman photo was taken at an angle is a complete and total moron.  I won't mention any names. Joseph Backes. 

How turned was she? (And by she, I don't mean Mary) Quite a lot. Here's a guy demonstrating it.

And note that he has no affiliation with me or the Oswald Innocence Campaign.

But, what the turning does is capture the left side of the approaching cyclist sooner. In my case, I think I could have been another couple inches west, and if anything, turned even more than I was. And again, that would have had the effect of bringing Martin's left arm into the picture sooner.   

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