Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It turns out that Mack and White didn't do a very good job in 1988 of capturing the cross either, although they missed it differently than I did.

Then, with the Mack/Thompson effort, they got the cross alright. But, is it the same face of the pedestal making the cross? 

On the right, we're definitely seeing the front face of the pedestal. It looks flush. But on the left, in the Moorman photo, I'm not so sure. It looks more geometric. Look at the bottom of it. Doesn't that look like an edge there? 

So, this whole thing about the cross is a crock. It's just a distraction. 

It's not going to convert this as the first capture of the cyclist entering the scene:

into this, where even though the motorcycle has advanced markedly into the scene, and more than above, we can still only see only the right arm.

 Remember what bpete did: he used his zoom to crop the image which removed the left arm. But, it's not as though Mary Moorman did the same thing. She didn't have a zoom. And considering how angled she was, the left side of the guy would should have emerged by that point, as his windshield is practically in the center.

Remember, our tripod was on the grass at the same elevation as Mary stood. And it was set to her camera height. So, how can you justify this disparity?

In my picture, look how large the entering figure looms, and it's because he was so close to the camera. Well, it was the same for BJ Martin entering Mary's field. Just compare the two. And you want to worry about the cross? 

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