Tuesday, September 1, 2015

They're not your images, Unger. The images of Jim Towner are featured on the Sixth Floor Museum website. 


Who owns the Towner film and images, Unger? And if a historical photo is posted on a website for viewing, where anyone in the world with a computer and internet access can see it, I think they would be hard-pressed to win a claim if they acknowledge the source, as I am doing now. 

Besides, you help yourself to images from my site at will, including all of my Altgens reenactment images and all of my collages.

And you have also posted personal photos of me just to mock and ridicule.  Tell you what: I'll consider a deal with you, Backes, bpete, and Lance. You stop using all my images, including my personal ones, and I'll stop using yours. But, all have to agree. 

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