Monday, September 7, 2015

This is BJ Martin's right hand.

And as you can see, the bulk of his hand is going over the far side of the grip. So, from his right side you would see it, but not his left. If you were on his left side, as Mary Moorman was, you and your camera would only see his thumb coming over on your side. The bulk of his hand would out of view to you. So, could you capture this?

Believe it or not, that is supposed to be his right hand which you are supposedly seeing from his left side.  But, the only thing coming over towards you on that side is his thumb. Look at the other side. So, what is that massive thing? And why, if it is a photograph does it not look anything like a hand, and why does it not even look photographic? Did you know that the Moorman photo is supposed to be high-quality for a Polaroid? What is high quality about this? Why does it look so crude? Why does it not look at all like a human hand? Why is the bulk of the hand coming ovet towards us when it should be going the other way? Why would anyone who knows that the official story of the JFK assassination is an evil, monstrous, despicable lie want to defend this? Whose side are you really on?   

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