Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Well, I can make out Hargis' gloved hand here from the Muchmore film:

But, this?

No, that is not his wrist, Hondo. How many times have I told you that you saying something doesn't make it so? 

I moved Chaney in next to Hargis.

That is no normal arm on the right. It looks OK on the left but not on the right. And that is not his wrist on the right. And in reality, it looks like this:

Accidental thumbprint? Look at the distance between the hoof and the windshield on Hargis, and the clam and the windshield on Martin.

They were identical bikes, right? And Martin's bike should have loomed larger, including his windshield because of his closeness to the photographer.

In the above case, the cop in front is closer to the camera. Not much, but a little. And his windshield looms larger. 

Now, in the case below, the difference should be much greater, and that's because Martin was much closer to the photographer than was the guy in front above. 

Why is Martin's windshield shorter than Hargis's when Martin's should be looming much larger in the picture? How come Chaney has no windshield at all? How come his motorcycle looks more like a riding lawnmower? 

STOP TRYING TO DEFEND THIS PHOTO. You are bloodied bastards for doing it. 

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