Wednesday, September 9, 2015

You  would think that the Stupid Backass would post some images of old Polaroids to show that they're no better than the Moorman photo- which is supposed to be high-quality.

But no, he doesn't. He just flaps his lips and spews his bile. 

This link has a collection of old Polaroids. The hands and other features still look better than what we see in the Moorman photo.

Here's one of Brigit Bardot. I don't know the year it was taken, but look how young she looks:

I can make out her fingers. And they ain't no hooves or clams.  And that is a very old picture. How old does she look? 25? Well, she was born in 1934, so that would make it 1959. 

But, go ahead and defend this shit, Backes. You know that you're a traitor to both Kennedy and Oswald.  Forget Joseph Backes. You're more like Judas Backes.  

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