Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I believe that I have found a huge discrepancy between the Beers photo and the Jackson photo. And what I mean is that there are three guys missing from the Jackson photo.who are in the Beers photo. And that's impossible if they were taken just a fraction of a second apart, as claimed.

Notice the thin guy who is standing sideways and looking down. He is Detective McMillan. He is standing behind Detective Montgomery in the white hat, who is standing behind Oswald. 

You can't see him in Jackson. If you look closely at Montgomery, in the white hat behind Oswald, there is a little black protruding there on our left, and the idea may be that that's Montgomery's hat, but that is way too convenient. I know why Montgomery wasn't there. This was taken after Ruby was pounced upon and taken up to the 5th floor. McMillan was one of the officers who took him up there and settled him in. That's what McMillan was doing when the Jackson photo was taken. They didn't have him, so they painted in a sliver of his hat, so if anyone questioned it, they would have a talking point. It's rubbish. And the second one who is missing from the Jackson photo is the reporter Ike Pappas. You can see him beneath the armpit of Blackie Harrison. And that guy puffing away like Groucho Marx doesn't even look like Blackie. But, I always wondered why his arm was so thick. And it looks like they applied paint. It was to obscure the thing they put in for Ike, that small dark configuration below Blackie's arm. That can't possibly be Ike Pappas. And that's because we know that Ike was in close to Oswald with his microphone. He tried to ask him a question. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?" What we're seeing there is just some weird thing they painted in. Either that, or they found it in another photo and pasted it in. Apparently, Ike wasn't there for the staged Jackson photo. 

So, why wasn't he? Maybe they didn't know him and trust him well enough to include him. After all, this was a fraud. 

And then, the guy behind Tom Pettit, the NBC reporter in Beers is not present in the Jackson photo. I don't know who he is, but I know he isn't there. Note that Pettit was in on it. Look at him. He is not reacting at all to the sound of a gunblast that presumably went off just a fraction of a second before. Of course, none of them are reacting to it. And don't forget that Oswald screamed right away, and he's not reacting to that either. He's just standing there, cool as a cucumber. 

There was a time that I thought that the Beers photo was taken before hand in the garage as well, but I don't any longer. I think the Beers photo was really taken during the Spectacle. If it were taken in advance, in conjunction with the Jackson photo, then everything and everyone in it would match Jackson. So, it had to be a different circumstance, and the only one I can think of is the actual spectacle.  

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