Monday, September 23, 2019

I have said before that in My Stretch of Texas Ground, the Sheriff points out that when the U.S. bombed a wedding party trying to kill the Taliban, they killed children. Actually, he could have said that the U.S. bombed 8 wedding parties in Afghanistan trying to kill the Taliban and killed children each time. So, why didn't I write it that way? 

Well, it just seemed too incredible, and so hard to believe that a viewer might have stopped to wonder if it's true. 

Well, it is true, and now the number has jumped to 9 wedding parties. 

Reports of Wedding Party Bombing Indicate US Forces Have Massacred at Least 70 Afghan Civilians in One Week 

So, here we are, having crossed an ocean and two seas to attack Afghanistan in 2001, and now, 18 years later, we are still killing women and children at weddings. The war was NEVER justified in the first place, but what we are doing now 18 years later, and solely for the purpose of saving face, of not wanting to leave Afghanistan under terms that would look like we lost, that is the ONLY thing we are fighting for there now. Don't talk to me about having to make Afghanistan free of terrorists. That is just spin. When you kill women and children at a wedding, you ARE a frickin' terrorist.   

The plain truth is that they just don't want it to look like another Vietnam, where we lost. That, and that alone, is what America is fighting for in Afghanistan. 

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