Thursday, September 19, 2019

Today, a U.S. drone killed 30 pine nut harvesters in Afghanistan. I wonder what that's like, to be working your work-a-day job, and then suddenly, you're down to your last few seconds of life on Earth.

This kind of thing has happened over and over again for 18 years in this hellish war. Once we bombed a wedding party that killed, among others, quite a few children. Sheriff Joe mentions it in the movie. But after that, we bombed 7 more wedding parties. He didn't mention that.

I know we are fighting in Afghanistan to make sure that terrorists can't gather there to plot attacks against us, but maybe we are looking at it wrong. They're going to gather somewhere, aren't they? We can't monitor every square foot of land on Earth, can we? Afghanistan is about as far away from the United States as you can get. And it's very backward and inhospitable and lacking in just about everything that's modern. So, maybe we should just stop worrying about it. 

I mean: do you feel safer from all this carnage? Do you feel protected by it? Because: I don't feel safe or protected. I will gladly live with the danger of terrorists in Afghanistan plottin' and plannin'  to come over here without losing a wink of sleep.  And frankly, I think I am in much greater danger of being harmed or killed by an American than by anyone living in Afghanistan. We have had a lot of terror killings in the United States since 9/11 but all by Americans. 

If we just get out of there- completely- there are two good things that would happen right away: one: we're not going to kill any more pine nut harvesters or brides or children, and two: we're not going to lose another American soldier. 

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