Monday, November 3, 2014

What Richard Hooke is really doing is claiming that, simultaneously, Oswald was both the patsy AND an under-cover agent in the JFK assassination. And that is ridiculous. He was an under-cover agent in Russia. He was not an under-cover agent in the JFK assassination. 

Besides, an under-cover agent is usually assigned to be an under-cover agent.  He's working on the inside, but he has someone supporting him and guiding him and instructing him on the outside. He's got a point man, a contact, a leader- his go-to guy. And I mean someone in an official capacity who is authorizing him to go under-cover.  

But, who did Oswald have like that? Who authorized Oswald to go under-cover in the JFK assassination? There was nobody.  

An under-cover operative reports to somebody. So, who was Oswald reporting to? There was nobody.

So, that would make it that Oswald was an under-cover agent in the JFK assassination who was self-directed. In other words: it was HIS idea to go under-cover. He was doing it all by himself. He was acting alone.

Now, the problem with that is that, first, it's very hard to do without support, but second, it's also very dangerous to do. It's dangerous not only because the criminals could find out about you and kill you but because you would have no way of proving that you weren't really working with them. 

Like in Oswald's case, if he was up there in the Sniper's Nest with a loaded gun, his own loaded gun, which he brought there, with Malcolm Wallace and other killers, why should anyone believe he wasn't sincere? And if he claimed that he didn't actually shoot but went downstairs to watch, well maybe he just got cold feet about shooting. But, if he got into the get-away car with them afterwards, it would only be his word that he really didn't mean any of it, that he wasn't really their ally. 

After all, at the crucial moment, he didn't do anything to save Kennedy. If he was really an under-cover agent whose purpose was to save Kennedy, why didn't he save him? Why didn't he make a scene and start telling the good citizens about it? Get them to join him in marching out into the street. If he was an under-cover agent on the side of good, then why didn't he act accordingly? Any reasonable person would tell you that at the crucial moment, he should have done anything and everything, whatever it took to save Kennedy. But, if instead, he just "paid his last respects" to the man as he was gunned down, who is going to believe that? Is that supposed to move people? That he shed a tear for Kennedy during the bloodbath? 

And then afterwards, still under-cover, he continues on with the killers after their mission was completed successfully? When was it going to end for him? When was he going to blow the thing wide open? After he got to Mexico or wherever they were going to take him? 

And why when he was ultimately arrested did he not come forward then and tell the police everything he knew? I mean come out from behind his cover and reveal everything he knew and everything he did. Instead, according to Hooke, Oswald lied, lied, lied, telling them that he took a bus and cab, telling them he didn't know anything about what happened, not saying a word about his under-cover involvement and providing them no information at all.   

What was he waiting for? When was he going to tell them? When was he going to come clean? When was he going to come out from under the cover? If not then, then when? 

I hope you can see that the whole idea that Oswald was an under-cover agent in the JFK assassination is preposterous. Oswald was the patsy in the JFK assassination. Just the patsy. That's all. Nothing else. And the people who set him up didn't tell him a thing. They deliberately and assiduously kept him in the dark. Completely in the dark. They manipulated him like a puppet. They played him like an instrument. 

Oswald may have had an eerie feeling about what was going to happen in Dallas with JFK, but that would have been in spite of all the efforts that were made to keep him ignorant. 

They didn't need him for anything except patsification. They didn't need him to open any doors. They didn't need him as a shooter (which is absurd on the face of it considering that he was woefully unqualified- as a shooter and as a killer). And they had no reason to tell him anything. They would have been the dumbest conspirators in the history of crime if they told their patsy what they were doing. 

Oswald was NOT an under-cover agent in the JFK assassination. He wasn't assigned by anybody to be, and he didn't assign himself to be.  He was just the patsy.   


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