Saturday, July 4, 2015

Joseph Backes implied something that makes sense, although I'm not sure he realizes the implications of it. Below is a paraphrase of what he said: 

"Mary Moorman did not take her photo from the same location as the Babushka Lady.  They were standing at different places and the angle of view they had was different."

Yes, indeed! That's exactly what I'm saying!

So, here we have Mary Moorman, abbreviated MM, and Babushka Lady, abbreviated BL, and the white lines show their very different angles of view. I have also added a line for Muchmore's angle, but realize that I could only draw it to the edge of the picture. It keeps going back, way back, because Muchmore was far away.

OBVIOUSLY, at that moment, Mary Moorman could not have taken a photo that was angularly the same as Babushka Lady. But likewise, she couldn't take one that was angularly the same as Marie Muchmore either. Yet, they are telling us that she did. 

Where was Marie Muchmore? She started on Houston Street, a little north of the intersection of Main on the west side of the street. But then she relocated. 

I don't know that we have a picture of her, but here is an animation someone made which shows approximately where she was when she filmed the assassination.

So, that's where Muchmore was at the relevant time. She had moved from Houston Street past the reflection pool up to the wall which separated the pool area from the grassy area. Her first name was Marie. 

So, Marie Muchmore's angle was much closer to Babushka Lady's than Mary Moorman's. Mary Moorman was facing Elm Street directly and shooting straight at the Kennedys.

Marie Muchmore was filming at a diagonal similar to Babushka Lady except farther back. 

Look at this again, and remember that the line for Muchmore keeps going back at that angle. 

So, it makes sense that Babushka Lady and Marie Muchmore would capture the Kennedys very similarly if they shot at the same time, which they apparently did. So, it makes sense, from our knowledge of these ladies' positions, for the following to be true:

However, it does NOT make sense for this below to be true because of the angular differences of which we are aware:

So, why should we believe that it's true just because they say it is? They also tell us that Oswald was up on the 6th floor shooting at Kennedy. They also tell us that Lovelady was the Doorway Man when we can plainly see that that man looks like Oswald and is wearing Oswald's clothes. I really think it is time to reassess the origin of the Moorman photo. 

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