Monday, November 10, 2014

Was Oswald wearing three hats on November 22, 1963? That seems to be what some people think.

They think he was the patsy- set up to take the fall for killing Kennedy and Tippit. 

They think he was a collaborator- at least that he was pretending to be a collaborator, and to the extent of bringing a rifle and ammunition to work and propping himself at the window, as though he was going to kill Kennedy.  

And they think that he was an under-cover agent who was feeding information about the plot to his contacts at the FBI.

Wow. That is a lot for one guy to do. 

But, how could he pull it off? If he was feeding information about the assassination to the FBI, why didn't that backfire on him? 

Because after all, we have to assume that J. Edgar Hoover was in on it, right? He was at that meeting at the Murchison house the night before, wasn't he? He was a very close friend and neighbor of Lyndon Johnson, wasn't he? Didn't Johnson buy a house right next to him in Washington so that he and Hoover could be close?  Didn't Johnson's daughters call him "Uncle Edgar"? 

And if Hoover was in on it, then obviously, the FBI was dirty. It had to be strewn with agents who were doing the leg work. It wasn't just Hoover by himself, was it?  

So, if Oswald was feeding information about the assassination plot to the FBI, then they must have known that he, the patsy, was wise to what was going on, right? And wouldn't they have told their cronies at the CIA? And wouldn't word have gotten to LBJ that Oswald knew? And wouldn't LBJ have gotten word to his hitman Malcolm Wallace that Oswald knew? That Oswald was on to them? 

So how, on November 22, could Malcolm Wallace be unaware that Oswald was faking it? If Oswald was sending information- about the plot and his awareness of the plot- to any intelligence agent, it had to get back to the plotters, didn't it? The hip bone is connected to the knee bone, right? And that meant getting back to Wallace, right? 

So why would Wallace or any other conspirator think that Oswald was going to go through with killing Kennedy? And why would Wallace or anyone else let Oswald drive around alone in a car?

If Oswald was making calls, and not just making calls, but sending telexes, the fate and distribution of which he couldn't know, how likely was it that those telexes would wind up in the wrong hands? 

Very, very likely. It means that the conspirators had to know that Oswald was on to them, trying to rat them out, and trying to sabotage the whole plan. Wouldn't that piss them off? Wouldn't that cause them to react?  

So how, on November 22, could Malcolm Wallace not be aware that Oswald was putting on airs? How could Oswald fool him? How could Oswald get away with what he was trying to do? 

The whole idea that Oswald was secretly working the case from the inside and passing on information is ridiculous because there was NOBODY he could pass it on to without giving himself away and making the plotters aware of what he was doing. It was sure to backfire. 

And if you are going to say that he only informed good people who were not going to tell the plotters, then why didn't they act? If they were good, why didn't they save Kennedy? And why didn't they save Oswald? Why didn't they save the day? 

How many times do I have to tell you that Oswald had no friends? No friends! No friends! No friends! No friends in the FBI, no friends in the CIA, no friends, no friends, no friends. 

You see what I mean? The whole idea that Oswald was an informant working the case from the inside is ridiculous, and it surely would have backfired.

Oswald was just the patsy. That's all he was. All this Hookery stuff is just nonsense. Oswald wasn't a hero; he was a victim. He was a mark. He had no friends in the FBI. He had no friends in the CIA. He had no friends in the Secret Service. He had no friends, period. None. There was nobody he could trust. There was nobody he could go to. There was nobody he could inform without it coming back to bite him in the butt. There was no way he could betray the conspirators without them knowing about it.  

So, don't be hookefied by a fool who never thinks his wild ideas through. He doesn't even know what they entail. He doesn't know what they encompass. He has no idea what they even mean and what they necessitate.  He is just like an ant dancing across the water who doesn't even realize that he's not on solid ground.  

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